Approaching someone you’re attracted to can be somewhat intimidating, because of different reasons- reasons like most guys are just naturally comfortable in their own skin, fear of rejection or being given cold shoulders, social anxiety, low self esteem and others.When it comes to how to approach a female, everyone is different, so there are no real hard and fast rules (apart from a few obvious ones, like backing off if she’s not interested). However, here are a few general guidelines for how to approach a woman for the first time, in a way that’s respectful, while still making your interest obvious.
Things to pay attention to before you approach a woman
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how to approach a woman, it’s worth considering whether she’s actually interested. Science shows that men tend to overestimate women’s interest in them1, while the joke about “useless lesbians” exists for a reason. So how do you know whether it’s a good idea to approach a woman? Look for signs that she’s interested in you first. Here are a few things to watch out for:
Her body language makes her interest obvious
Wondering whether she likes you, too? Check out her bodylanguage. Research shows that when we like someone, our bodies make it obvious. What are some of the signs you should look out for? If her body language is open and welcoming, if she’s making plenty of eye contact with you, if she’s touching you either consciously or unconsciously – a hand on your arm, brushing against you as she goes past – then it’s a pretty good sign she’s interested. If she gets flustered or nervous around you, or she blushes when you talk to her, that’s another indication she might return your feelings. Often, physical cues are more revealing than what people actually say, so pay close attention!
She frequently initiates contact, or extends conversations
This is for someone you’ve known for a little bit. Take a look at your interactions, whether in person, on the phone, or on social media. If you’re both active on social media, does she like your photos or comment on posts you make? When it comes to conversations, if she’s interested, she’ll often take the initiative to get in touch first, just say hi randomly, or prolong conversations just because. She’ll also be the one suggesting you two meet up or do things together. However, this might also be that she considers you a good friend, so make sure you’re also observing other signs of romantic interest before you ask her out.
She shows interest in your thoughts and experiences
When someone is interested in you, they want to know more about you. Does she ask about your interests and seem genuinely interested in the answers? Does she want to know more about the way you grew up, your history, your likes and dislikes? Does she encourage you to vent when you’re upset and share your good news when you have it? Does she notice when you’re happy or sad and react accordingly? Does she check up on you when she realizes you’re upset or feeling down? Does she care for your wellbeing, or even actively take care of you when you’re feeling sick? All these behaviors are all indications she might have some kind of romantic interest in you.
She gets jealous of other women… or tries to make you jealous of other guys
What’s a good sign that a woman is interested in you romantically? If she gets jealous when she sees you with other women, or if you indicate there’s someone else you might be interested in. She may be overtly jealous, or express it in more subtle ways, like trying to gently probe for more information about them or your interactions with them, asking if you’re interested in them, or acting possessive when someone else shows interest in you. She may also try to make you jealous by subtly – or not-so-subtly – mentioning guys she’s interested in. While excessive jealousy can be cause for concern, a mild amount can be flattering, since it makes it obvious that she’s interested in you.
She treats you differently
One of the most obvious signs a woman likes you that way and is not just interested in friendship? She treats you differently compared to her friends.
How this plays out depends on the woman in question – she might remember the most mundane details about you that nobody else does. She might plan things while making sure to take your schedule into account, very clearly wanting to be in your company. She might try to impress you and get your attention, or become much more flirtatious and complimentary when you’re around. She may not say the words – perhaps she’s the kind who prefers that the other person make the first move – but she’s making it clear with her behavior that she wants you to.
How to approach a woman respectfully
Once you’ve ascertained that yes, she’d respond well to being approached, the next step in how to approach a woman is actually to do so. Some tips:
Position yourself near her
When you’re approaching a woman, especially if it’s not someone you already know, it’s best to put some thought into how you’re going to get close enough to do so. Don’t approach a woman from the back, especially if you’re a guy – that’s likely to scare her. Instead, approach from the side, and take your time doing so, so that she has time to realize you’re there and move away if she’s not interested. Additionally, try not to stare too obviously or be too aggressive in your body language – you don’t want to come across as intimidating, or give her a reason to mistrust your intentions. A little forethought can avoid a lot of messages you didn’t intend on sending.